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We are South Carolina Artists. Original paintings and prints by Willie H. Clark, Jr. and Brenda Gadow Clark.

Text or Call: 803-530-4570


Medical Jewelry: We have hundreds more medical bracelets, medical charms and ailment charms. Please contact us and we will list it for you to view and purchase.

Standard Shipping: Includes as many items you put in your shopping cart for $4.95

If You are local we can meet at a public place. That way you can see the item in person and pay on site if you like it.



*Thank you for my beautiful painting and earrings. The painting is so pretty in my sunroom. It reminds me of what I saw in Miami last Dec when I went to visit before Christmas. Shelley C. from Virginia

* I love my goodies!  They just arrived today. So beautiful. The flowers…….the paint is sooooo thick. The pictures don’t do justice for how beautiful these are. I also love my earrings. I love my flags!!! Shelley C. from Virginia

The charms arrived today! They are perfect. Thank you so much! We love the sunflower farm in Lexington (Clinton Sease) - such a pretty place! I will be sure to leave you a great review. Thank you again! Cathy

      End Times as prophesized in the Holy Bible. And things to ponder:

           The Word of God is infallible. The Bible was written over 2000 years ago and everything that was prophesied about future events have come true today. The Scripture is God’s Holy Word. God cannot lie nor can His Holy Word. The Bible is historically accurate even in the smallest of details. There have been thousands of archaeological discoveries in the past. The book of Revelation prophetic events occurs within a ruthless authoritarian one world government ruled by the Antichrist.                                                           

          Big Bang Theory – Genesis Chapter 1 (the first page in the Holy Bible). Read this chapter clear through.

Example -Verse 3- And God said “Let there be light,” and there was light.

Scientists say that when the universe was created it happened in an instant with a great explosion.

(This happened instantly, this seems like a big bang to me.)

     Computer chip which is being tested today which goes inside a person’s hand to make purchases. – Revelation Chapter 13 Verse 16 and 17. “Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.”

Do not accept the mark (or chip in your hand). Revelation Chapter 14 Verse 9 – 11 This chapter will explain why you should not accept the mark of the beast.

     Evolution – It was not in the Bible that men came from apes. In the Bible it states that man was created in the image of God. I believe God wasn’t an ape! Besides, I have not seen a monkey turn into a human being yet.

     Since Noah’s Flood – Today there has been found prehistoric fish on top of a mountain. It only stands to reason they were not killed since they were in the waters anyway. Noah’s flood – Genesis Chapter 7 verse 22 and 23. Centuries ago, scholars puzzled over how seashells could wind up on the tops of mountains. Fossil seashells are now recognized as the remains of ancient sea floors raised to high altitudes. Do fish fossils found on mountain tops prove there was a global flood?

     Topsy Turvy (Into a state of utter disorder or confusion. When everything seems upside down)

In the last days people will call darkness light and evil good and good evil. Nowadays, if the majority of people declare right to be wrong that will be accepted. See Isaiah Chapter 5 Verse 20. “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter to sweet, and sweet for bitter.”

     One World Government - We are seeing a rise in government control of every aspect of life which could end in a worldwide authoritarian government as the Bible predicted. In Revelation 13:7 states that power will be given to the Antichrist over “all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” Verse 3 says, “And all the world wondered after the beast”. Daniel 7:23 tells of a world governmental system ruled by the Antichrist.

     Watch the movie “Left Behind” (2014) with Nicholas Cage. When believers in Christ Jesus will be taken from earth and lifted into heaven to be with the Lord. The movie will explain it better. Also watch movie “God’s not Dead” 1 Thessalonians 4:17 - Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:52 - In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. WE call this event the Raptue. I wonder when the Christians disappear on earth if it will be told that we were abducted by aliens? This is just a thought.

     Many people see the global coronavirus pandemic and economic meltdown as a wake-up call for us to turn back to faith in God, as signs of coming judgment, or both.

     The Bible is like a history book. Proves that the Bible and Jesus is real. Suggestion-Read the King James Bible. 

Romans 10:9 - That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Thank God that He has provided a way for us to be with Him in Heaven before all of this comes along as promised in the Bible and God keeps His promises!   Ask Jesus to forgive you of all your sins and ask Him to be your Savior.  Read about the thief on the cross that was crucified with Jesus.  He also asked Jesus to forgive him. Jesus replied “Today you will be with me in Paradise. (This man was a sinner until the last moment in his life). I hope you have prayed this prayer and you will start reading the Bible and grow in your faith and always have assurance of salvation because Jesus will Never break his promise to you!

Sow a seed. Make copies and pass along.